
For Microsoft PowerPoint

Quick Launch:
Run RemotePresenterView Server instantly!


Download RemotePresenterView from the Windows Store.
See RemotePresenterView in the Windows Store!




Introducing RemotePresenterView

RemotePresenterView is an app that allows you to control a PowerPoint slideshow running on
 any laptop or desktop using your Windows 8 or Windows RT tablet.
(The laptop or desktop running the slideshow does not need Windows 8.)

Screenshot of RemotePresenter on a Windows 8 Tablet
^^ Screenshot of RemotePresenterView controlling a slideshow. ^^

RemotePresenterView is designed to be compatible!
You can't always pick where you'll give your presentation, or what computer will be running it. RemotePresenterView is designed with that in mind.

  • Works on all Windows 8/RT tablets including the Microsoft Surface and Surface Pro.

  • Works with PowerPoint 2007 or newer running on a computer with Windows XP or newer.

  • Works with personal, corporate, and university PC's even if they are locked-down to prevent software installs.

  • Works even when you don't have a WiFi connection where you're giving the presentation.


  Copyright © Mitchell Underwood 2013